by Naomi Rutledge | Jun 5, 2014 | Sex & Science, Videos
Considering myself to be a rather enlightened, well-educated woman, I was recently shocked to discover an astonishing truth about my body: namely, that every woman’s clitoris is about the same size as a man’s penis, but most of it is hidden away. I...
by Naomi Rutledge | May 18, 2014 | Comics, Snickers, Videos
The idea of protecting a woman’s virginity by shackling her in a chastity belt is a tried and true method of protecting the sweet, delicious innocence of our lady folk. But as women have become more uppity in these recent years, the metal chaffing and unsanitary...
by Naomi Rutledge | May 6, 2014 | Snickers
Something actually kind of cool happened on late night television when I wasn’t watching: AND For those of you living in the Boston Metro Area, you can see this razz-dazzle performer among many other at the Women In Comedy Festival this weekend! Photo courtesy...
by Naomi Rutledge | Apr 29, 2014 | Comics, Snickers
by Naomi Rutledge | Apr 22, 2014 | Confessions of a Porniac
I’ve been watching a lot of porn lately. But it’s for research, I swear. Ok, so maybe some of it is for fun, but the vast majority of what I watch is actually research for a site that ferrets out the diamonds in the rough, and shares them in a positive environment...
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